
pair of long colourful socks

I never really noticed before how many socks I had. Then my mother bought me some (more) for Christmas. Firstly this is seriously reflective of my age. Worse than this however, she has always bought me socks or tights (never stockings) for a stocking (the irony) filler.

Anyway…my sock, tight, pant, stocking (ha I sneak them in myself) drawer has become increasingly full.

So full I took on the task of counting them. Socks are the one type of item in that drawer I feel I could easily reduce. Mainly due to my general tendency towards dresses and heels. Pants will never be non-essential; each to their own though!

39! Yes seriously. What the actual…. when did this happen? That’s proper pairs too. I chuck the ones I can’t pair (two wash rule).

39 is more than the number of pairs of shoes I have. I should probably admit I didn’t count them today but….I had a clear out of shoes before Christmas. It was a rather large mountain I put into recycling so I am confident they now number less than 39. I digress.

What do I do with this information? Why did I even count them? Am I really that bored today? Am I slightly mad? How do I chose what to bin?

Let’s face it I need to bin some. 39 is ridiculous.

Does anyone else have a sock issue? Are you all now running to count them? I doubt it but it would amuse me if I started a Sunday craze 🙌

Header image: Sandy Millar

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